Basecamp with Pat Dossett

Dr. Andrew Huberman: Tools for Mental Health and Resilience

Madefor Season 1 Episode 11

Pat Dossett sat down with neuroscientist and Madefor’s Lead Advisor, Dr. Andrew Huberman to talk about mental health. Dr. Huberman talked about gauging your individual risk for mental illness, how mental health affects us all every day, and the eight critical habits for mental wellness: quality sleep, sunlight each day, movement, nutrition, hydration, social connection, deliberate decompression (NSDR or Physiological Sigh), and gratitude.

The best news is the 8 habits are all free and easy to do, however, consistency is key. Dr. Huberman also talked about how to reset when you’re feeling a little low, stressed, or anxious, and reaching that higher level of living with purpose, mattering, and coherence.

For a summary recap, check our Madefor's blog here.