Basecamp with Pat Dossett
Welcome to Basecamp, where we distill the science of wellness and human potential into actionable steps so that you can live your best life. Basecamp is hosted by Pat Dossett, a former Navy SEAL and co-founder of Madefor, a global community made up of thousands of Members taking small steps each day to bring out the best in themselves and the world around them. Basecamp is a series of conversations with scientists, psychologists, peak performers and other experts about how to make neuroscience practical and put it into action in pursuit of a more flourishing life. www.getmadefor.com
15 episodes
James Nestor: The New Science Of A Lost Art
Award-winning author and scientific researcher, James Nestor, has written for numerous world-renowned publications and in 2014 received Amazon’s Best Science Book Award for his book Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells U...

Dr. Lisa Miller: The Science of Spirituality and How to Cultivate an Awakened Brain
Pat sits down with renowned psychologist, professor, best-selling author, and founder of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Dr. Lisa Miller, to discuss the science of spirituality. They discuss how we are all innately spiritual beings, the d...
Season 1
Episode 13

Angela Duckworth, PhD: How to Gain a Grittier Mindset
In this episode, Pat sits down with world renowned research psychologist, professor, and best-selling author, Angela Duckworth, to discuss her research advancing the scientific insights that help us thrive. Angela talked about grit, the connect...
Season 1
Episode 12

Dr. Andrew Huberman: Tools for Mental Health and Resilience
Pat Dossett sat down with neuroscientist and Madefor’s Lead Advisor, Dr. Andrew Huberman to talk about mental health. Dr. Huberman talked about gauging your individual risk for mental illness, how mental health affects us all every day, and the...
Season 1
Episode 11

Pink Spoons: Finding Perspective In An Unlikely Place
Today's episode is part of our campfire series where former Navy SEAL and Madefor Co-founder, Pat Dossett, shares brief stories and insights from his life experiences. In this mini-episode, Pat Dossett recounts a story from Navy SEAL Hell Week ...
Season 1
Episode 10
Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman: The Science of Self-Actualization and How to Get On The Path to Transcendence
Madefor Co-Founder and former Navy SEAL, Pat Dossett, sat down with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, cognitive scientist and humanistic psychologist, as well as host of The Psychology Podcast to talk about what it means to be self-actualized. Dr. Kaufm...
Season 1
Episode 9

Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D: The Joy of Movement and How to Use Movement as Medicine
Pat Dossett sat down with author, psychologist, and educator Kelly McGonigal. Ph.D. to discuss her new book, The Joy of Movement. Kelly talked about why we don’t move more, the be...
Season 1
Episode 8

Daniel Pink: The Power of Regret and How to Use Regret to Transform Your Life
In this episode, Pat sits down with Daniel Pink, five-time New York Times best-selling author to discuss the research and findings behind his latest book, The Power of Regret: How Looking Backwards Moves Us Forward. Daniel tal...
Season 1
Episode 7

Dr. Everett Worthington: Why Forgiveness Matters and How To Forgive Ourselves and Others
Madefor Co-Founder and former Navy SEAL, Pat Dossett, sat down with the world’s leading expert on forgiveness, Dr. Everett Worthington, to deep-dive into the science of forgiveness. Pat and Dr. Worthington discussed types of forgiveness, why it...
Season 1
Episode 6

Dr. Ayelet Fishbach: The Science of Motivation and How To Finally Get It Done
In this month's Basecamp, Madefor Co-Founder Pat Dossett speaks with Dr. Ayelet Fishbach, author, professor and expert on the science of motivation and decision-making. They discuss Dr. Fishbach's groundbreaking research on motivation, the impo...
Season 1
Episode 5

Non-Sleep Deep Rest with Rory Cordial (created by Dr. Andrew Huberman)
In this episode, Rory Cordial guides you through a tool to help you destress and relax: non-sleep deep rest (NSDR). The term NSDR was coined by Dr. Andrew Huberman. Non-Sleep Deep Rest enhances learning and memory, alleviates stress, improves c...
Season 1
Episode 4
Dr. Andrew Huberman: Out with the Old to Make Way for the New and How to Create Lasting Change
With a new year just around the corner, Madefor Co-Founder and former Navy SEAL, Pat Dossett, speaks with Madefor Lead Scientific Advisor, Neuroscientist, and Head of the Huberman Lab at Stanford School of Medicine, Dr. Andrew Huberman. Pat and...
Season 1
Episode 3

Dr. Vanessa Bohns: The Science Of Influence and Why We Underestimate Our Influence
In this month's Basecamp, Madefor CEO Pat Dossett speaks with Dr. Vanessa Bohns, author and professor at Cornell University. They discuss why we underestimate our ability to influence, how we are unknowingly influencing others, and how to get w...
Season 1
Episode 2

Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett: The Science of Emotions and How to Balance Your Body Budget
In this month's Basecamp, Madefor CEO Pat Dossett discusses how emotions are formed and regulated with neuroscientist and psychologist Lisa Feldman-Barrett, author of How Emotions Are Made. They cover "black box brain," how your internal ...
Season 1
Episode 1